Recession Mama

{May 8, 2009}   Busy, Busy, Busy

By Carla

I don’t have any hard facts on this…maybe a giant think tank somewhere will whip up a study that I’ll be able to reference down the road, but it sure seems like we’re all busier than we’ve ever been, thanks to this lousy economy.

I know for a fact that I’m busier than ever, even though I was laid off from my full-time job. Between the 6-month-old baby boy, the 2-year-old old toddler boy, the house, the laundry, the cooking (and yes, building sandwiches does count, thank you), the job training, the freelance work, all the passionate, in-depth writing for this website, and my hair fiascoes, I’m swamped.

There’s no more Suzanne to help me with the stupid mop, there’s no more eating out 2 or 3 times a day, there is even less quality time with the husband because of HIS new chores, including the lawn (no more lawn help).

We’re constantly whizzing around all day long, busy, busy, busy…too busy to stop and think about just how busy we’ve become. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. Probably good. Busy is good. What’s the old saying…idle hands are the devil’s something or other? And I always thought I was busy back THEN…back when I was riding the gravy train, working full-time. Nope. This is worse. Much worse. I mean much busier.

Do you know how busy I am? (Go ahead….I’ll wait……………………………………..thank you) I’m so busy, I’m bringing you this “Best Of” segment today. It’s one of my favorite posts to date and one I think is worth sharing again, even if it shows my orange hair again. Who cares. Enjoy: (click on the link below..but you knew that)

I Am So Much Better Looking In A Bull Market

{April 22, 2009}   Old Dog, Meet New Trick

By Carla

dogdrawingage4When you’ve done the same thing over and over for nearly a dozen years, you get comfy. You get used to things being a certain way. You’re set. Or so you think.

Just like millions of other hard working, dedicated Americans, I am having to reprogram myself and learn new tricks…and you know what? I LOVE it!

I started at my previous place of employment (a radio station with a news/talk format in Dallas) when I was 24 years old. I started working part time hours and working any shift available. I was a nobody. For the next (almost) 12 years, I worked my way up the ladder doing everything there was to do on the news side of the operation. Learning new aspects of the business was thrilling to me. I loved being associate editor, even though it meant no one respected me because I was the new kid on the block. But I was learning and I loved it. I also loved street reporting because it was a huge challenge and it forced me to think on my feet at all times. I won several awards as a reporter, in fact. I then became editor of a drive-time news program and thrived in that position…winning awards in that capacity as well. And finally, having made it to the anchor chair in the 5th largest market in the U-S at the age of 29…well I felt that the dues I had paid all those years…had finally paid off for me. I anchored for the next six glorious years. (My dear friends who are good at math, there’s your bone) I was set. I had a contract. I was there to stay. Then the layoff four months ago.

I realized right away that I wasn’t trained to do anything other than news…and more specifically, radio news. Sure I could edit (produce) newscasts, I could report and I could anchor, but my business is hurting and no one is hiring right now. Then this wonderful opportunity came along. Be a back-up anchor at what used to be “the competition”, anchoring whenever they need someone to fill-in. It doesn’t pay much and I probably won’t be there very often, but it keeps my name out there and it keeps my brain from fizzling. Not to mention the fact that it’s a wonderful opportunity to work with some extraordinary people.

I went in for training this week. It was the first time in nearly 12 years that I had trained at any place other than my previous employer. I’m laughing at myself now, but here I was….a grown woman…married mother of two…nervously chugging my mocha and shaking and giggling in the car on the way to the new station. “What if I don’t understand their computer system?”, “What if I get lost?”, “Did I pick the right outfit?!” (I’m a girl…what do you expect) All of those questions and a million others were racing through my head on the drive in. After all, I hadn’t worked in SEVEN MONTHS. I couldn’t believe it myself, but it’s true. I went on maternity leave last September and was laid off while still on leave….so I haven’t actually worked in seven months. That’s a first for me. So having to go in for training was a very scary prospect for this old dog. I mean, I wasn’t supposed to be learning new tricks at this point in my career, right? I was supposed to be set…and moving up, up, up, right?


Training was exhilarating and I loved every minute of it. I’m serious. I loved it. I was “getting it”. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be.

Not only did it go far better than I expected, it was a huge boost to this mama’s self esteem. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but hey…it is a little tough on the feelings when you get laid off…and knowing that you’re “wanted” somewhere else, even in a fill-in capacity, well it just plain feels good. And those good feelings seemed to spill over into the rest of my day. This stinky economy needs more good feeling spillage, don’t you think? I’ve made up my mind, I’m hiring my housekeeper back so she can feel good again. KIDDING. It’s a joke. Those are free.  

I go back for more torture training today and a I’ll go back a few more times in the coming weeks to make sure I “get it” and am ready for when they do need me to come in and do the “real deal”.

Whew…! Just another challenge. I love those…but y’all know that.

Move over ego. There’s no room for you here. It’s a new day.

et cetera