Recession Mama

{October 4, 2009}   No Horsing Around #2

From Heather

Back in May we told you about a Texas woman who found a unique way to keep busy while searching for a new job. Cheryl and her horse, Remington, were going for the Guinness World Record for tallest living horse. Besides have a BIG personality, this Clydesdale also stands 80 inches without shoes from hoof to the top of his shoulder.




Big drum roll here….. Remington GOT the TITLE!

Since the title was captured, life has been a bowl full of carrots for “Remi”  and a whirlwind for his owner, Cheryl. Here’s an update from her.

By Cheryl

Since receiving the notification from Guinness that Remington captured the Guinness World Record for tallest living horse, his trainer and I have experienced excitement and a great sense of accomplishment for the big boy.  To put it simply, it has been surreal.The day I received the news, he enjoyed a lot of extra carrots for a job well done.  He doesn’t really know why he got the extra carrots and he really doesn’t care.  Remember, with Remington it’s all about the food!

Right now, there is a woman in Canada claiming that her Clydesdale Poe is 20.2 hands and she is waiting for Guinness to verify his height.  So, if he is proven to be taller than Remington, then his title will be relinquished and Remington might just have to go for a new world record category, of the shortest time a record was held.  We sincerely hope not.  And, I wonder if there is such a category.  I may just have to look into that.

What ever the outcome, Remington is the current world record holder and although we expected someone to challenge this title, we didn’t expect it to be this soon!

Overall, it’s been an amazing journey.  The outpouring of support from around the world, the rapid growth of his blog followers, and the experience of going for the record itself, will always be a wonderful memory.  And I will continue to share his adventures with everyone who has been enjoying his stories.

At a time, when there has been so much unhappiness going around, between the sagging economy, the enormous loss of jobs, including mine, a continuing war and so much more, there was a time for hope and a time to share that hope with others.  Remington’s stories helped to show the world, that despite troubled times, there is always a way for something good to shine through.

Most of all, Remington is such an amazing horse, that I wanted to share him with everyone and brings some smiles to their faces.  Well, he certainly has done that and will continue to do that for many years to come, for as long as people want to hear about him.

We don’t know what will happen next, but no matter what, my love for the big guy and the pride I have for him will continue to grow stronger.  He’s always been a winner in my heart and he always will be.

Warm Regards,
Cheryl & Remington

Thanks for the update Cheryl. We all hope that Remi gets to hang on to the title and dazzle people at  State Fairs and parties for years to come.  Remington not only holds a special place in your heart… but he has captured the affection of so many others. World record or not he’ll always hold the title of “World’s Most Loved Horse.”

Keep up to date on Remington’s antics by reading Cheryl’s blog.

et cetera